Special Circumstances

Any synod seeking to evoke Special Circumstances in the future will be bound by a clear and prescribed process of consultation following a decision of the Assembly.

No consensus on eldership proposal

The Uniting Church in Australia has been unable to achieve consensus on a proposal to amend regulations regarding eldership and church councils.

Justice Peter McClellan speaks at Assembly

Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Justice Peter McClellan, speaks to the 14th Triennial Assembly of the Uniting Church.

Foreign aid

Rob Floyd, national director of UnitingWorld The Uniting Church in Australia has encouraged Church members to advocate strongly for increases in government overseas aid funding.

Singing from the same hymn book

By DEB BENNETT One of the perks of working for Crosslight is that we can venture out of our office to visit churches throughout the synod.

Marriage proposal

The 14th Uniting Church Assembly will be talking about marriage when it meets in Perth this month. BRUCE MULLAN explores some of the issues.

From multi to intercultural

The Uniting Church in Australia has been committed to being a multicultural Church for the past 30 years.

The money trap

The payday lending industry has boomed in Australia in less than two decades. Today more than 1.1 million Australians take out a short-term loan each year.

Making do with much less

By Nigel Tapp UnitingCare agencies and churches involved with emergency relief funding are being expected to do more with much less following a cut of about 30 per cent in Federal Government emergency relief funding acr