UCA calls for an end to credit-fuelled gambling

The ethical investing arm of the Uniting Church, UCA Funds Management, has called on Australia’s four big banks to immediately stop credit cards being used for online gambling after the country’s major banking associatio

Dick Carter AM steps down

Dick Carter retired as the chair of UCA Funds Management last month after reaching the statutory board membership maximum of 10 years.

Discussing the budget

In May, UCA Funds Management engaged with not-for-profits (NFPs) in what was a tough month for many in the sector.

UCA Funds leading the way on gender diversity

UCA Funds Management has announced a further commitment to gender diversity for 2016. The ethical funds manager intends to monitor the proportion of women on company boards in which it invests.

That’s entertainment

Thirteen may be a number that scares some people, but for David Hamley it’s a number that promises new opportunity.

Interest in funds

This year UCA Funds Management celebrates 30 years as an ethical Fund Manager.

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