That’s entertainment

image of david hamleyThirteen may be a number that scares some people, but for David Hamley it’s a number that promises new opportunity. David has been managing the Ministers Home Endowment Fund (HEF) for UCA Funds Management as well as working across many other areas of funds management for 13 years. He decided this year was the moment to launch full time into a performance career.

Those who have experienced David’s work as MC at the synod staff Christmas gatherings each December won’t be surprised to learn that he is leaving to pursue work in the world of entertainment as well as embarking on some performance related charity work.

David started at the Beneficiary Fund in 2002 as administration manager and subsequently took on the management of the HEF. In 2010 he transferred to UCA Funds Management retaining responsibility for the HEF whilst also broadening his contribution across other funds management functions.

“We wish David well as he moves into this exciting phase of his career,” James Davidson, UCA Funds Management’s operations manager, said. “He has provided so many of our members with support and we look forward to continuing the good work and processes he has helped establish.”

Responsibility for administering the Ministers Home Endowment Fund will remain within the UCA Funds Management team.  Membership of the Fund is a benefit available to all Synod Ministers.  For further information you can call UCA Funds Management on 1800 996 888 or email

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