By Andrew Newmarch and Andrew Humphries
Out she came, clothed completely in protective gear: goggles, mask, gloves, and disposable gown, just like during Covid-19.
But this time the enemy was leprosy, and the point of the illustration was that the protective gear was no longer needed.
As Eaglehawk Uniting Church lay preacher Merrill Cole explained traditional fears about leprosy and ...
By Andrew Humphries
In Mount Waverley in Melbourne’s south-east, one Uniting Church congregation continues to faithfully live out the Christian ethos that says to give freely to others is to be blessed in return.
Rev James Douglas has had the privilege of being Minister at St Luke’s for nearly 10 years and sees on a daily basis how this concept ...
By Andrew Humphries
When Uniting Church Minister Will Nicholas and St David’s Geelong congregation members sat down for their pre-Christmas lunch late last year, it was an afternoon of great fun and fellowship and a celebration of what being part of a church community is all about.
It was also an opportunity for Will to share one of his great ...
By Andrew Humphries
When Ramila Chanisheff addressed Uniting Church members during Synod 2023 in November last year, she brought a message of great importance, and support, for the ethnic Uyghur population of East Turkistan.
The Australian-based President of the Australian Uyghur Tangritagh Women’s Association outlined the brutal crackdown by Chinese authorities that has seen many Uyghurs killed, imprisoned and forced ...
By Cathy Withiel
The first thing that strikes you about Tracy Barron is her kindness and honesty – and the joy she feels from reaching out to others.
And the feisty 71-year-old Uniting AgeWell volunteer is happy to tell her life story just like it is, in the hope of encouraging people from all walks of life to accept and ...
By Rev Associate Professor Geoff Thompson
What is Christianity? What is the gospel? What is the church?
Christian people have constantly wrestled with such questions.
Even if they are perennial questions, they are asked with a particular edge in our current context of Christians being a minority in Australia.
Minority status, stripped of all the accrued overlays enjoyed in previous ...
By Rev Nigel Hanscamp
For generations Lent has been a time of reflection and action in the 40 days before Easter.
Lent invites us to pause, pray, and act together with Christians around the world as we journey with Jesus towards Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Day.
Recent studies and experience have emphasised the missional nature of ...
For hundreds of years the joy of song has been an important part of worship, as people of faith have raised their voices high in praise of God.
But as times have changed, the words to some songs have become unfamiliar, old-fashioned, and even, at times, archaic.
With that in mind, a new book by former Moderator of Victoria, Rod ...
In a week we will be moving into the season of Lent, with Ash Wednesday on February 14.
Lent is a particular opportunity to hear Jesus’ call to “follow me”, and to reflect on our own disciplines of discipleship.
To me, the reading from the Hebrew Bible set for the first Sunday of Lent this year seems particularly significant.
By Andrew Humphries
Tasmanian Australia Day Honours recipient Helen Geard’s first congratulatory call came at 6.45am on Australia Day.
Her phone ran hot throughout the rest of the day with calls and texts from many friends, wellwishers and fellow Claremont-Bagdad congregation members delighted with the news of her honour.
Helen was one of a number of Victorian and Tasmanian Uniting ...
Rev Gereldine Leonard, Presbytery of North East Victoria
There is no time of the year more holy for me than Christmas. Not Christmas in the secular sense, as we so often celebrate it, even in the Church, but Christmas for what it really is: the revealing of the nature of God.
The Christmas story is a simple story that tells ...
Whale’s tooth
This is a tabua (Tam-Boo-wah) from Fiji. Tabua are pierced and braided whales’ teeth, originally taken from the lower jaw of sperm whales and are highly significant and valuable objects in traditional Fijian society. Fijians consider them to be kavakaturanga (chiefly items).
This one was presented by the Methodist Church in Fiji to the Methodist Church in Australia ...
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