One hundred and seventy five years is an extraordinarily long period by any measure – three quarters of the entire time of European settlement in Australia – but that is the anniversary being celebrated this year by the Wesley congregation at Yarra Street, Geelong.
On Sunday 22 October, this major milestone will be celebrated with ...
Howard Secomb can look back on 70 years as an ordained minister but still wants to talk about the future.
“The faith is still strong,” the 95-year-old said after attending the Service of Tributes at Synod 2017, where he was the longest ordained minister in attendance.
Mr Secomb, who has been to every Synod ...
Visitors to Uniting AgeWell’s Noble Park Community might be surprised to see residents holding and stroking a very cute and quite noisy baby seal.
But what is perhaps even more surprising is that the cuddly critter is actually an advanced robot that has even charmed a former US president.
PARO, which stands for ...
When Julie Blake was flipping through Crosslight earlier this year, she noticed that the Kalgoorlie Uniting Church – in Western Australia’s remote Goldfields region – was offering accommodation in the manse in return for people willing to take services.
Julie and her husband Ricky were already planning a trip from their home in Tasmania’s North-West ...
Some people might think an event called Beer and Hymns sells itself, but Sally Douglas wasn’t so sure.
“I didn’t know if any more than five people would show up,” the Richmond Uniting Church minister said.
As it turned out the 40th anniversary of union event, put on by Richmond and Uniting Church Chalice, attracted far ...
Uniting AgeWell’s historical links with the Uniting Church date back 70 years, when some of the Presbyterian and Methodist congregations had the vision and foresight to build facilities to invest in the care of older people.
Many Uniting Church congregations still strongly support Uniting AgeWell communities through pastoral visits to residents, and volunteering in ...
Historians and archivists from various synods came together in June to launch the Uniting Church National History Society.
The landmark occasion was a highlight of the National Uniting Church History Conference, hosted by the South Australian UC Historical Society.
It was held at Pilgrim Uniting Church in Adelaide over three days as attendees reflected ...
Approximately 30 people gathered at a Chinese restaurant in Trafalgar on 22 June to celebrate the Uniting Church’s 40th birthday. Conversation and laughter flowed as people enjoyed each other’s company as well as a delicious meal. Each congregation from across the parish was represented. It was wonderful to have our presbytery minister Wendy McDonald and ...
The Banyule Network celebrated the 40th anniversary of the inauguration of the Uniting Church by holding an art and craft show at Scots Church in Heidelberg. This may seem to be a strange event for such an occasion but the organisers thought it gave expression to a number of key convictions of the UCA.
It all began almost as soon as I arrived to take up my placement, eight months ago in the Wimmera.
Next door was a couple with five young daughters and the first of many, many conversations over the back fence quickly led to an offer to mow what then passed for a ...
A Uniting Church congregation in a Victorian alpine town is changing the lives of girls in Kenya through an unconventional fundraising campaign.
Knickers for Nairobi has collected more than 8000 knickers and 1000 bras for girls in the Kibera slum in Nairobi in the past six months.
The project is spearheaded by Graham Clutterbuck, ...
The East Gippsland town of Orbost may only have a population of 2000 people but that did not stop the congregation at St Andrew’s Uniting Church from filling their church hall with visitors at a recent fundraising dinner.
More than 140 people attended the Sudanese Famine Dinner on 6 May, including 20 Sudanese visitors from Melbourne.
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