As we come closer to the beginning of the season of Lent, the name of that opening day, Ash Wednesday, triggers a strong memory of past bushfire tragedy.
The emotions stirred up are so much heightened this year, as those memories are being lived out again in the threat and destruction wrought through bushfire. This is ...
By Rev Deacon Jeanne Beale, presbytery minister, Presbytery of Port Phillip West
“Then neither do ...
This prayer of blessing was written by Presbytery of Gippsland UCA Minister Rev Jennie Gordon in between shifts working at a firezone relief centre in the town of Bairnsdale. She asked us to share it for all affected by the bushfire crisis.
blessed are you – East Gippsland
blessed are you
who walk the ...
As I have travelled around the Synod these past three years many of you have spoken to me about the future of the church, the Uniting Church or of a congregation. Many of you want to know what we can do to ensure the future of the church, often with a focus on numbers ...
by Rev Claire Dawe, Manningham Uniting Church.
“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
Micah 6:8
I included this reading from Micah in the service when I was ordained and ...
By VicTas Synod Moderator Rev Sharon Hollis
What we do with our bodies says a lot about what we believe.
Not in a body-shaming sense, rather what we do with our bodies – where we spend our time, the causes we show up for, the people we support and care for – says a lot ...
By Rev Dr Sean Winter, Head of College, Pilgrim Theological College
Debates about border protection and the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers show no signs of going away.
In the midst of the political rhetoric, and despite the obvious and real challenges that face politicians, it is important to remember the longer story to which our ...
Commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Black Saturday bushfires that killed 180 people and devastated communities across regional Victoria, Moderator Sharon Hollis prays for those who continue to be affected.
God of compassionate love,
on this anniversary day of Black Saturday
we pray for all who continued to be affected
by the devastation of those fires.
We pray ...
I’m writing this column just a few days after one man’s actions in central Melbourne’s Bourke St brought death, fear and anxiety to so many people. Also on my mind is a personal anniversary that causes me sadness and an awareness that many people are carrying sadness, anger and despair.
And while all this ...
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve had one of those patches where life and its demands threatens to overwhelm me.
My diary was fuller than I would like, there were difficult conversations to have as November, the anniversary month of my partner’s death, loomed. I felt that I was running on empty or ...
When I thought about writing this column to tie in with Mental Health Week (7-13 October) I had planned to write a general column about mental health and the church.
But the general column didn’t come because this is not just a broad issue for me – it’s personal and it’s personal in a particular ...
Monday night is half-price movie night and the other week I walked down to see the latest film by director Spike Lee BlackKklansman.
It tells the (true) story of Ron Stallworth, a young African American police officer who in 1973 managed to infiltrate the local branch of the Klu Klux Klan. To ...
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