Black Saturday anniversary prayer

Bush Fires

Commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Black Saturday bushfires that killed 180 people and devastated  communities across regional Victoria, Moderator Sharon Hollis prays for those who continue to be affected.


God of compassionate love,

on this anniversary day of Black Saturday

we pray for all who continued to be affected

by the devastation of those fires.

We pray for those who grieve the death of a loved one,

for those who mourn the loss of home, business or community,

for those whose daily life is impacted by injury,

for those who fought the fires and struggle with memories

and for those whose acts of care have left them traumatised.


We give you thanks for those who provided support and met needs,

for those who have cared, listened and comforted

and for the promise of new life and new hope.


As we remember the tragedy of fires 10 years ago

we pray for those battling bushfires today

and for all who are anxious

and for those who have lost home or places of meaning.


Bind us up in your love, sustain us in hope

and strengthen us to build communities of care and compassion.



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