Sharon Hollis calls for LGBTI debate to reflect God’s grace

Sharon Hollis

Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania Moderator Rev Sharon Hollis says all discussions around sexuality and Christian belief should be anchored in recognition that all people are children of a loving God and the way we speak about people’s gender and sexuality needs to reflect this love.

“Some have told me how painful recent public conversations surrounding Christian beliefs about LGBTIQ+ people  are and I want to assure them that God is one who binds the broken-hearted,” Ms Hollis said.

“The Synod of Victoria and Tasmania believes that no-one should be vilified for sexual orientation or for their beliefs.”

Ms Hollis said since 1999 the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania has called on its members to discuss issues of theology and sexual orientation or gender identity in a way that reflected the love of God for all people.

“The Synod of Victoria and Tasmania has been part of the long conversation around LGBTIQ+ people in our church,” Ms Hollis said.

“We publicly welcome LGBTI+ people into church membership,  ministry and leadership positions. The Synod is enriched by having LGBTIQ+ people fully involved in all aspects of church life.”

Ms Hollis acknowledged that while there were different theological and cultural beliefs surrounding sexuality within the Synod, all such differences should be viewed in the context of God’s generous hospitality.




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2 Responses to “Sharon Hollis calls for LGBTI debate to reflect God’s grace”

  1. Gary Walker

    Well said, Sharon. Thanks for your support, Simon.