The weekend of 20 – 21 June was a time of thanksgiving and celebration, as St Andrew’s, Mildura UC celebrated its 100th anniversary.
The weekend began with a meet-and-greet launch. Visitors with a connection to the church mingled as they enjoyed the historic artefacts, documents and photographs on display.
Moderator Dan Wootton was a special guest at the centenary dinner on Saturday night. He was joined by past clergy and civic leaders as he unveiled the honour roll recording the names of ministers who had served the church since union.
The past, present and the future were all represented on the night. Speeches were delivered from the original cedar pulpit, and members were treated to traditional Cook Island music and dancing from the large Tongan and Cook Island communities represented in the area in recent years.
Guests arrived to Sunday morning worship in heritage vehicles and members of the Mildura and District Pipe band joined in a call to worship. More than 200 people attended a Sunday lunch, where friendships were renewed and memories shared.
A history booklet is available for $12 including postage by writing to PO Box 532, Mildura 3502, or contacting the office on 03 5023 3724 or email
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