It’s time First Peoples’ voices were heard


The gap between First and Second Peoples remains wide, but is closing, albeit slowly. Peter Aldenhoven and Campbell Opie are two men from opposite sides of this cultural divide who are trying to affect real change at a grassroots level. Both are members of the Willlum Warrain Aboriginal Association.

Peter Aldenhoven, 63

I was a foundation member ...

You learn something new every day at Pilgrim


What’s your title?

I’m the Director for Education and Formation for Leadership within eLM (Equipping Leadership for Mission) and Head of Pilgrim Theological College as part of that role.

How did you come to get the job?

My family and I moved to Australia in 2009 and I had been teaching in theological education in the UK for ...

Double Take: Robyn Whitaker and Fran Barber

Rev Dr Robyn Whitaker and Rev Fran Barber have been friends for 25 years. In that time they have shared a lot of things – including a wedding dress. They now share a podcast to help resource people in ministry.


I am a preacher’s kid, as they say. My father was a Methodist minister in South Africa. I was ...

First Peoples connections too strong to sever

Alison Overeem 

By Alison Overeem

We have much to reflect on in how we reconnect, and re-emerge from COVID restrictions.

But, before we reflect on the pathway out of the fog of COVID-19, we know this time has given us a gift, a call to rebirth, re-energise and to continue the struggle for justice as the Tasmanian First Peoples, beating ...

Samuel Manhom: How I survived war, famine and crocodiles

By Mikaela Turner

Samuel Manhom was born in the wrong place at the wrong time – but it took a few years for that to become apparent.

Back in 1979, Rumbek in South Sudan was a peaceful place. Four years later, however, the first shots were fired in a civil war that would last 22 years. Two million ...

Joan Wright Howie’s SWell art of spiritual expression

By Mikaela Turner

Those who know Habitat Uniting Church minister Rev Joan Wright Howie have noticed a change recently. Joan has been told she looks lighter, more inspired, rejuvenated even.

You may be wondering what brought this on and probably be surprised to discover the answer is further study.

Joan recently returned from Britain where ...

Laura Mazza: I won’t let depression defeat me

By Stephen Acott

It’s a beautiful day by the beach, a rare day at this time of year. The calendar says it’s winter, but your senses tell you otherwise. The sun is out, rising and shining, streaming through your windows, calling you to venture outside and revel in its warm embrace.

And you do. Dogs populate the parks, chasing all ...

How Sally Goldner found the freedom to be herself

By Mikaela Turner

Sally Goldner remembers her bar mitzvah well – which is not to say she remembers it with fondness. It was anything but a happy occasion.

At 13, Sally was a girl trapped in a boy’s body and the thought of celebrating her “coming of age” into manhood terrified her.

The year was ...

Coralie Ling enjoys her purple patch stage of life

By David Southwell

Trail-blazing UCA minister Coralie Ling has never been one to follow the script, even when making her debut as a stage actor.

Coralie, 80, who is the first woman to have been ordained a Methodist minister in Victoria, recently starred in the Gasworks Theatre stage show Beachside Stories, which featured the stories of five “local heroes” from ...

Pilgrim student Audrey Larsen back in class at age 97

By David Southwell

If you see a bright canary yellow hatchback parked near the front doors at Pilgrim Theological College there’s a good chance the 97-year-old owner is being just as conspicuous inside.

The signature car belongs to Audrey Larsen, who has enrolled as an audit student in the second semester philosophy subject Modern Self as ...

Meredith Lake’s award-winning soul focus on history

Learning about the past can open new ways of thinking about the present, something Dr Meredith Lake can personally attest to.

The award-winning historian and Radio National presenter grew up memorising Bible verses and praying at her dinner table in a devout Anglican household in Sydney’s outer suburbs.

She became hooked on the study of history in ...

Uniting Winter Appeal helps bring hope from the ashes

When Felicity was jolted awake at 3am by the fire alarm, smoke was already starting to fill up her bedroom.

“I just knew I had to get out of there,” the 51-year-old single mother says. “I had no time to grab any of my things,” the 51-year-old single mother said.

Thankfully none of Felicity’s three adult children were at home ...