Abba Poemen said that passions work in stages; he said that, if you can purify your heart, passion will not come into your expression; but if it comes into your face, take care not to speak; but if you do speak, cut the conversation short …
The vast majority of us are not saying anything, or are certainly not putting ...
Given that I’m in the habit of getting up before 5 am most weekdays, it won’t surprise you to learn that I’m not a big fan of daylight saving.
When told the reason for daylight saving time, an old native American Indian said:
‘Only a white man would believe that you could
cut a foot ...
In my short life as a moderator, it’s happened to me twice now. I read the position description very carefully, as well as all the regulations – and there was no mention of dancing. There were lots of things to be fearful of, not least of them dealing with the media. But who would have thought that dancing would appear ...
As many already know, walking and public transport are my thing.
I guess I’ve been regularly catching public transport since I was about five years old. At primary school, it was the ‘green’ bus. Secondary school was the ‘yellow’ bus and occasionally a tram. Many, many, times I have achieved nothing short of heroic bus and tram catches ...
I wouldn’t call myself a ‘football tragic’. But being a Melbournian, I thought I should declare early on that I barrack for Richmond, as do my family, my parents and my parents’ parents. My great, great grandfather was born in Richmond, I think.
A favourite ‘Tiger’ of mine is Matthew ‘Richo’ Richardson, about whom much has been written. Having played ...
WELL, at the time of writing this I have been your Moderator for two weeks. My service of Installation was a very moving experience and I am very grateful to all those involved, in attendance, and the notes from those unable to attend.
In some respects, being installed as Moderator felt a little as though it took place on ...
Happy Easter! As we celebrate the central event of the Christian faith may it be a time of joy and renewal for you. We are Easter people. It is our experience of the Risen Christ being with us that gives us courage and confidence to live out our faith and to work for change and renewal in ourselves and ...
Happy Easter! As we celebrate the central event of the Christian faith may it be a time of joy and renewal for you. We are Easter people. It is our experience of the Risen Christ being with us that gives us courage and confidence to live out our faith and to work for change and renewal in ourselves and our ...
It’s so dry. For weeks many communities have been living with the reality and uncertainty of fires. The grass is crackling dry and smoke hangs heavily. For some individuals and congregations there’s a dryness in our lives. As people age and congregations decline, resources dry up and maintenance requirements loom.
As we journey through Lent yet ...
The cross I wear around my neck every day has a twist in it, so that both the crosspiece and upright form the infinity symbol. Inscribed on the cross in miniscule letters is “A journey of faith is a journey of love”.
This cross has become an important symbol and reminder to me. The concept of journey, of being pilgrim ...
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