Sunshine and shadows
In 2016 Paul Townsend died of a drug overdose after battling schizophrenia for nearly 20 years. His mother Mardie has written a book detailing a life of promise cut short by mental illness.
In 2016 Paul Townsend died of a drug overdose after battling schizophrenia for nearly 20 years. His mother Mardie has written a book detailing a life of promise cut short by mental illness.
Koonung Heights congregation members are contributing to the wellbeing of their neighbours, outreach mission projects, and the broader Church in a number of ways.
Whether it’s assisting congregations in how to cope with natural disaster, or guiding people towards lay leadership, Mel Perkins is doing important work in her role within the equipping Leadership for Mission unit.
Uniting Church Ministers Alex Sangster and John Tansey, with a group of willing volunteers, are doing wonderful work helping some of St Kilda’s most vulnerable residents.
Reaching out to others can transform your life, so let’s make 2024 a year to say goodbye to loneliness and hello to friendship and social connection.
The Wesley Centre for Theology, Ethics, and Public Policy will be launched next month, aiming to speak words of hope and life into the public conversation in Australia.
As we move towards Easter, five Uniting Church figures talk about what the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ represents to them.
In his Crosslight magazine column ahead of Easter, Moderator Rev David Fotheringham tells us that "God shares in our death, even as God leads us into life".
From administrative work to hosting aged care worship, and everything in between, a week in the life of Rev Michele Lees is always busy.
During our most vulnerable moments, it is God's love that acknowledges our humanity, writes Emeritus Professor Bill Loader.
'Doing ministry on stolen land' was the question unpacked yesterday as Pilgrim Theological College staff and students began the academic year.
Lay preacher Merrill Cole and the Eaglehawk Uniting Church congregation are working hard to support education around leprosy in countries like Nigeria.