Reflections on Easter

As we look ahead to Easter, five Uniting Church Ministers share what the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ means to them.

Nick Cave and the church

Attending a recent Nick Cave concert had Richmond Uniting Church Minister Sally Douglas contemplating the nature of religious experiences.

Son of a preacher man

Uniting Church member and screenwriter Paddy Macrae’s childhood is the catalyst for the hit Netflix show Irreverent.

Word’s out on worship

The third Sunday in March marked the third anniversary of the creation of a worship resource that has helped Uniting Church members worship from home since 2020.

Cries ring out for justice

In his Crosslight magazine column, Moderator David Fotheringham reflects on how God hears the cries of those who have been exploited and are bereaved.

Regions set for the future

Thanks to strong leadership and innovative thinking, the Synod's five regional presbyteries are well placed to meet future challenges.

Fond farewell for Chris

Chris Barnett is moving on to the next chapter in his life after 15 years of faithful service to the Uniting Church in the children and families, and intergenerational fields.

Fossil fuels feel the heat

The Uniting Church was part of a protest in Sydney yesterday sending a strong and clear message about the damage fossil fuels are doing to our environment.

New roles celebrated

Five Uniting Church members were welcomed into new roles within the Synod at a service at the Centre for Theology and Ministry yesterday.

Disability plan launched

Accessibility for all is the theme of the Synod's 2023-26 Disability Action Plan, which was launched in Tasmania on Saturday.

Ten days and counting

The Synod's Justice and International Mission cluster is driving a campaign to ensure NDIS patients receive the support and accommodation they need as quickly as possible.

Two hearts beat as one

The amalgamation of the Corio-Norlane and Lara congregations late last year has their members looking forward to an exciting year.