Recognition for their service

The annual Australia Day Honours List features a number of people with connections to the Uniting Church.

A number of people with Uniting Church connections have been recognised in this year’s Australia Day Honours List.

The late Paul Richard Madden was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the General Division for significant service to the community through social welfare organisations, social policy development, and the arts.

Paul was a member of the Church of All Nations in Carlton and was Events Director from 2011-2020, and Treasurer from 2008-2019.

The Paul Madden Memorial Window was dedicated in his honour in 2023.

Also awarded a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) was Professor David Theunis Runia, for significant service to tertiary education, and as an academic in the fields of humanities and social sciences.

David was a member of the Mark the Evangelist congregation.

A number of people with Uniting Church connections were awarded a Member of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the General Division.

Janice Lorraine Ballard, who was honoured for service to the community of Dimboola, was a member of the Dimboola Uniting Church and its organist for 40 years.

Aysegul Koksuz, who was honoured for service to the Turkish community of Victoria through volunteer roles, was a volunteer with the Uniting Church’s Orana Family Services.

Helga Svendsen, who was honoured for service to the community through a range of leadership roles, was CEO of Uniting’s Hotham Mission Asylum Seeker Project.

This year’s Honours List recognised 732 Australians.




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