It’s an honour

Ian Dunn

Prof Ian Dunn

Accomplished lawyer and mediator Professor Ian Dunn, who was a member of the Uniting Church Social Services Taskforce from 1977 to 1979, has been made of Member of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day’s Honours List.

His award citation reads “For significant service to the law, to legal standards, education, and specialist accreditation, and as a practitioner in the areas of negotiation and dispute resolution”.

He is one of seven people with links to the Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania awarded honours in the general division of the Order of Australia, with the rest receiving the Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia.

Prof Dunn is adjunct professor in law at La Trobe University and a specialist in commercial law and mediation, particularly in relation to medical matters where he has handled prominent cases.

Prof Dunn was CEO of the Law Institute if Victoria from 1996-2002 and was the inaugural Chair of Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation, a post he held from 2005-2010.

He became an ombudsman in general insurance in 2010.

Currently he is on the board of the Peter McCallum Cancer Centre has been a board director at Northern Health from 2010 to 2013 and the Northern Hospital Foundation from 2010 to 2015.

The following people have been awarded the MEMBER (AM) OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA.

Norman Warren Allan

For service to education.

Norman Allan was bursar for Essendon Grammar School, 1976-1990 and the secretary of the school board following the establishment of the Uniting Church independent school Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School in 1977.


Ann Rosalie Bray

For service to the community of north east Melbourne.

Ann Bray has been a member of the Uniting Church Archives since 2000.

She is on the presbytery council for the Yarra Valley and a community member in the development and training of lay preachers. Mrs Bray is also on the inter-church council for St Mary’s Christmas Carols and is coordinator of Banyule’s Festival of Carols. She has been a member of Watsonia-MacLeod Uniting Church, for many years.


Major Robert Gordon Charles

For service to the community through a range of roles.

Robert Charles has been a fundraiser and organiser with Lifeline Geelong for 16 years.

He was a board member of Berrybank Uniting Church from 1974-1991 and is former Sunday school teacher.


Anne Lynette Knight

For service to the community of Laverton.

Anne Knight is treasure of Altona Meadows/Laverton Uniting Church, where she has also been an elder and council member after becoming a member in 1976. She is the current liturgist and a member of the social/fundraising committee. Mrs Knight also teaches Sunday school and is a kids’ club assistant.


Barrie Alexander Provan

For service to the community of Queenscliff.

Barrie Provan has been an elder and church council member at Queenscliff-Point Lonsdale Uniting Church for more than 20 years. He was convenor for Mission Development Team and honorary treasurer of The Mission to Seamen from 1963 to 1987.


John Charles Taylor

For service to the community of Myrtleford.

John Taylor has been a lay preacher at the Myrtleford-Whorouly Uniting Church since 1985 and was an elder from 1985 to 1994. He has been a member of the church council since 2008 and previously served as chair in 1996 and secretary from 2001 to 2008.




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