The US-Australia refugee deal has commenced this week, with 22 men from Manus Island flying to the US to begin their new life. However, those not accepted in intake will remain in limbo on Papua New Guinea and Nauru.
In this short poem, Rev Gospel Ralte reflects on the resilience of refugees and asylum seekers searching for a new life that is free from persecution.
Gospel is from Myanmar and will commence his placement at Ulverstone Uniting Church in November.
The children of the world may not allow us
“a space of existence” to live on,
Graciousness of God will lead us
to move on;
People of the world may evict us from our earthly shelter,
Spaciousness of God always is our greatest shelter;
The flesh and bones may be struck down on the ground,
The struggle of life will surely get its due crown;
Those around us may strangle our life with mockery,
The endurance of hardship we’ve borne will give us victory;
The darkness of the night comes when we cry,
But the day light shines let us know it is shown in the sky;
It is a strength from the Mother Nature,
That bestows a strong endurance in our character;
Let us look ahead,
Let us go ahead;
When a sparrow swims in the Ocean,
It is ridiculous;
When a tiny hope of freedom swings in the oppressive Ocean,
It is miraculous;
One day, the old memory will bring us healing,
Then, a new history of life will emerge from creeping;
In gratitude we will always remember those who’ve died in bleeding,
And we all shall be rejoicing in Him at the joy of overcoming the suffering.
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