Easter Sunday still blooming marvellous

Even COVID-19 couldn't keep Penguin Uniting Church member Lynn Templar from bringing hope to her community through the traditional flowering of the cross.

60 years of love

Elwyn and Frances Seen’s marriage did not begin under the easiest of circumstances.

All together now

The Presbytery of Tasmania’s new office, on the top floor of the Pilgrim Uniting Church building in Launceston’s central business district, was officially opened by moderator Rev Sharon Hollis last month.

Praise for pledge to limit pokies

Anti-gambling activists have welcomed Tasmanian Labor’s pledge to remove all 2375 poker machines from the state’s pubs and clubs by 2023 if it wins power at the upcoming state election.

Launceston South Church closes after 180 years

After 180 years of meeting the spiritual needs of the people of Launceston South, the South Esk Uniting Church Cluster yesterday closed the doors on the Uniting Church building in Margaret St for the final time.

Op shop rises from the ashes

The Bridgewater Gagebrook Uniting Church has re-opened its op shop doors again after the building was severely damaged by a deliberately lit fire on 6 April.

Carol’s legacy of listening and leadership

NIGEL TAPP Carol Bennett may not be a Tasmanian by birth or upbringing, but she has certainly established herself as an ardent advocate for the Church in the island state during her eight years as the synod liaison mini

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