Synod Snaps – October 2018

The October Synod Snaps feature photos from a baptism in Stawell, an installation outside Elsternwick Uniting Church and more.

Synod Snaps – August 2018

The August synod snaps feature a baptism in Springvale, a wedding in Gippsland, a pop culture service in Williamstown and more.

Synod Snaps – July 2018

The July Synod Snaps feature photos of a shawl ministry, a morning tea to fight cancer, Messy Science and more.

Synod Snaps – June 2018

The June Synod Snaps feature photos from Diamond Valley, a concert in Mt Waverely and royal wedding fever at a UCA op shop.

Synod Snaps – May 2018

This month's Synod Snaps features plenty of canine friends, along with Easter celebrations and community festivals.

Synod Snaps – April 2018

The April 2018 Synod Snaps feature photos from a 'tropical breakfast' in Horsham, a Chelsea Messy Church, a Resurrection Garden and more.

Synod Snaps – March 2018

The March 2018 synod snaps feature photos from Pancake Day, a harvest thanksgiving display, a retiring librarian and more.

Synod Snaps – February 2018

In this month's Synod Snaps, we bring you images from a Macedon Ranges interfaith lunch, Christmas hamper packing and more!

Synod Snaps – December 2017

This month's Synod Snaps brings you children's nativity dress-ups, a traditional Samoan White Sunday service, a dog-friendly church and more.

Synod Snaps – November 2017

Aitken College Year 8 students showcased the science, humanities and English projects they’ve been working on at their expo.