Asking the big questions

In A Little History of Religion, a one-time bishop, who is something of a sceptic, aims to foster critical thinking about religion rather than blind acceptance.

Not One for All

Review by David Southwell Book | God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World, And Why Their Differences Matter | Stephen Prothero This 2011 book, written by Boston University religious studies Professor

Words of wisdom

Book | Servants and Leaders | Graham Downie Review by ALAN RAY A senior federal minister was furious about a front page photograph on The Canberra Times newspaper where Graham Downie was the religion reporter.

Religion in a secular society

FRIDAY FORUM YOUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS A recent National Geographic report seemed to confirm what many have suspected ­– the number of Christians is declining in Australia, as it is throughout much of the Western world.

Prayers in Parliament

The Victorian Parliament will debate a proposal to remove the Lord’s Prayer before each parliamentary sitting.