The power of good people like Para

CAROLYN TATE Para Paheer is a Sri Lankan man who has always stood up for what he thinks is right. Now living in Victoria, he’s standing up for fellow refugees who don’t have a voice.

Church response to Nauru Files

The Uniting Church has demanded the immediate closure of Australia’s offshore detention centres following the publication of leaked documents from the Nauru facility.

Lentara’s FreshStart wins global award

Mohammed Isah (left), Program Manager of the Lentara UnitingCare Asylum Seeker Program with Sameer Sondhi, Director of Strategy and Growth atLentara UnitingCare.

Uniting Church questions Dutton

The Uniting Church has called on political candidates to not use refugees as a ‘political football’ in the wake of comments by immigration minister Peter Dutton that asylum seekers both take Australian jobs and languish

Freedom Stories

TIM LAM Freedom Stories is a collaborative documentary that explores the struggles and achievements of asylum seekers who arrived in Australia in 2001.

Stand for Sanctuary

Rev Alex Sangster outside St Andrew’s Uniting Church, Fairfield. More Uniting Churches in Victoria have declared that they will offer sanctuary to asylum seekers facing deportation to Nauru.

Images of hope

This month, John Vander Reest will celebrate 50 years since his ordination as a minister in the church.

Humanitarian crisis

Pressure is mounting on South East Asian authorities to address the growing humanitarian crisis of refugees and asylum seekers stranded in the Andaman Sea and Straits of Malacca.