Placing education at the centre of synod life
Dr Sean Winter says major changes in synod's education and training structures are aimed at fostering integration and innovation.
What is the Uniting Church for?
This might seem a strange question to ask. After all, our very name tells us: we’re uniting. Yes, this tells us something about the ecumenical context of our origins.
Liberated by God’s grace
The 12th assembly of the Lutheran World Federation was held from the 10-16 May and I was privileged to participate in it.
Time to refresh the Soap Box
Consider this article a bit of a ‘taster plate’. There are 16 candidates for ordained ministry within the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania at the moment.
The indeterminate zones of ministry
SOME years ago, when ministering in a congregation, a retired minister asked to speak to me on matters of faith and ministry.
Soul searching at social welfare conference
Conference convenor John Flett, Lucy Morris, Annette Noller, Hanns-Stephan Haas, Johannes Eurich.