UCA makes its presence felt at Palm Sunday march
Uniting Church members were out in force across Victoria and Tasmania to support the Palm Sunday rallies against offshore detention of refugees and asylum seekers
Uniting Church members were out in force across Victoria and Tasmania to support the Palm Sunday rallies against offshore detention of refugees and asylum seekers
Moderator Rev Sharon Hollis has urged Australians to reject the federal government’s “racist dog-whistling” during her address at the Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees.
As refugee advocates prepare for this year’s Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees, a cloud of uncertainty hangs over the fate of those left behind on Manus and Nauru.
Thousands braved Melbourne’s stormy weather on Palm Sunday to walk in solidarity with refugees and people seeking asylum.
Vic/Tas moderator Sharon Hollis has described Australia’s treatment of people seeking asylum as a national shame ahead of this year’s Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees on 9 April.
By Tim Lam Swanston Street in Melbourne is normally occupied by a stream of trams and pedestrians. On Palm Sunday, it was transformed into a sea of protestors calling for justice for refugees.
By Tim Lam An estimated 15,000 people marched in the streets of Melbourne on Sunday to stand in solidarity with asylum seekers.
Cast of Stormy Waters Issues surrounding refugees and asylum seekers have inspired an unusual theatre production coming to Wesley Church on Lonsdale Street on Palm Sunday.