Changing course into a storm
When Rev Dr David Gushee called for full inclusion of LGBTI people in his book Changing Our Mind, the response from the mainstream evangelical community was brutally swift.
When Rev Dr David Gushee called for full inclusion of LGBTI people in his book Changing Our Mind, the response from the mainstream evangelical community was brutally swift.
Victorian Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality Rowena Allen was a special guest speaker at the launch of Uniting AgeWell's LGBTI week.
Aged care provider Uniting AgeWell will make its presence felt at one of Australia’s biggest festivals of gay and alternative sexualities.
Photos from the Daring Conference can be found here. TIM LAM The Uniting Church is characterised by a diversity of cultural and theological perspectives.
Former ABC broadcaster Julie McCrossin is a familiar voice to the Australian public. Ashley Thompson turns the microphone around to find out more about her unsung faith journey.
TIM LAM The Daring Conference is a biannual national gathering of LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) people within the Uniting Church in Australia.
With kind permission from Cathy Wilcox A group of Uniting Church ministers has joined forces with like-minded church leaders to distance themselves from views expressed by the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) in relation
Kildonan UnitingCare’s Diversity Project Greater Shepparton has been awarded a GLOBE Community Award for its work with young people who are same sex attracted, sex and/or gender diverse (SSASGD).
By DEB BENNETT For many older people, the decision to move into residential care can trigger stress, sadness and fear.
The Uniting Church’s 14th triennial Assembly wrapped up in Perth over the weekend.
Gender and sexuality commissioner, Rowena Allen Victoria’s recently appointed gender and sexuality commissioner, Rowena Allen, knows a thing or two about social justice.