Letters to the editor – January

The politics of religion Social commentators repeatedly state that politics and religion should not mix. I strongly disagree, as both are about life.

December letters

The UCA dares to be different I beg to differ on Ted Carrow’s criticism in the last issue of Crosslight of the Uniting Church for failing to fall into line with most other mainstream churches on the issue of marriage equ

April Letters

I read with incredulity and disbelief the letter ‘Who or what is God?’ in February Crosslight.

March letters

Thank you for publicising MemoryLink in Crosslight (December 2014).

February letters

To discover fresh expressions of church, the UCA needs to rediscover the lost art of sacred reading.

November letters

In May 2009, with the support of St John’s Essendon Church Council, I established an outreach ministry at MIDC.