Advent stories of hope: Making the best of a clean start
For Christians the birth of Jesus is not just an historical event to be marked on Christmas Day but is an ongoing story of the way that God is at work in the world.
For Christians the birth of Jesus is not just an historical event to be marked on Christmas Day but is an ongoing story of the way that God is at work in the world.
While most Uniting Church ministers spend their Sunday mornings preparing to lead a worship service, on Sunday 16 October Rev Nigel Hanscamp will be preparing to line up with more than 30,000 runners to complete the Melb
Two Uniting Church congregations, Brunswick and Sophia Springs, joined forces on the 18 June (the eve of Refugee Week) to raise funds for the Lentara Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre (ASWC).
Mohammed Isah (left), Program Manager of the Lentara UnitingCare Asylum Seeker Program with Sameer Sondhi, Director of Strategy and Growth atLentara UnitingCare.
Lentara UnitingCare is launching a crowdfunding campaign to provide rent-free accommodation for asylum seekers. Homelessness is a significant problem for many asylum seekers in Australia.
The payday lending industry has boomed in Australia in less than two decades. Today more than 1.1 million Australians take out a short-term loan each year.
“Our concern centres on the fact that the apparent rehabilitation of Mr Chan and Mr Sukumaran was not taken into account. Rehabilitation is a fundamental aspect of successful prison systems.
This month, John Vander Reest will celebrate 50 years since his ordination as a minister in the church.