Letters to the editor – October 2017

Not about equality In Matthew 19: 4-5 and Mark 10: 6-9 Jesus is quoted as citing Genesis 1:27b, which says, “…male and female he created them” and leads immediately into Verse 28: “God blessed them and God said to

Letters to the editor – June 2017

Ascension Day hymns   What does Ascension Day mean to us in 21st century Australia?  We have often seen classical paintings of this scene where Christ is rising to heaven watched by anxious or adoring disciples.

Letters to the editor – May 2017

Logo life They say that everything in life is relative however, in Jim Gibson’s case we are not related! Nigel Tapp’s timely piece (‘Logo stands the test of time’, April) brought back memories of a front-page story in Th

Letters to the editor – December 2016

Savage cuts to aged pensions In June 2015 Scott Morrison, the then minister for social services, stated: “The current generation of aged pensioners had a deal with the government over their lifetime that if they worked h

Letters – November 2016

Flying the flag The August issue of Crosslight has a dramatic cover of the cross, the main symbol of the Christian religion, being manoeuvred into position at Long Tan, and its articles on military chaplaincy expresses m

Letters – October 2016

Learning from Islam The remarks made by Senator Hanson in her maiden speech are as astonishing as they are predictable (sadly).