Beyond Addiction


The Uniting Church in Victoria and Tasmania will consider its position on the establishment of Medically Supervised Injecting Centres (MSICs) when it gathers for the September Synod meeting at Box Hill.

Responding to a recent coroner’s finding on the death of a young woman in Richmond, moderator Rev Sharon Hollis believes it is an important ...

Closing chorus for printed version of Together in Song

There will be no new printings or editions of Together in Song (Australian Hymn Book II), the hymn book most widely used in the Uniting Church.

Publisher HarperCollins has told The Australian Hymn Book company, the ecumenical body that produces the hymnal, that it will not renew licence agreements with copyright holders when they expire in 2018.

“Parishes, ...

Pope fiction

Review by TIM LAM


In the 2000-year history of the Roman Catholic Church, there has never been a Pope quite like Pius XIII, the fictional pontiff played by Jude Law in the new HBO series The Young Pope.

Born Lenny Belardo, Pius XIII is the first American Pope and the youngest ...

Yes, poor people have mobile phones


The moment I spot the mobile phone I flash a look at our photographer. It says “Uh-oh, can we get that out of there?  If not physically, then at least out of the shot? I totally forgot about mobile phones…”

Then I continue to forget about mobiles because #otherfishtofry and clearly Alex doesn’t read the ...

Called back to ministry

Rev Dr Kenneth Carlyle Dempsey
30 June 1934 – 25 May 2017

The first born child of Rev R (Carl) Dempsey and his wife Lillian, Ken spent much of his childhood in country NSW Methodist circuits. The lifestyle required the family to change churches regularly and Ken moved from school to school on a regular basis. Ken spoke ...

Believe it or not



Disbelieving Disbelief collects essays written in response to the New Atheist convention held in 2012. New Atheism grew in part as a reaction to September 11, 2001 and the editor frames the collection with this reference. (Phillip Brown ...

A new era in Keeping Children Safe


The Vic/Tas synod’s new Keeping Children Safe policy will be available to download this month, along with a number of resources to help implement it.

This policy replaces all previous documents, which are no longer current and should not be referred to.

“Preventing child abuse is both an individual and collective responsibility of the Uniting ...

Union not an easy step for many congregations

On 22 June 1977 the inauguration of the Uniting Church in Australia was telecast live nationally on ABC television. An amazing thought in this changed media landscape. The formation of a Uniting Church, which was also enshrined in all Australian states and territories’ legislation in 1977, was a significant step not just for its members, but for ...

What women hear


Over the past month, Christian women have flocked to Twitter to share their experiences of #ThingsOnlyChristianWomenHear.

The conversation started on 19 April with a tweet from Christian author Sarah Bessey and quickly snowballed as women eagerly unburdened themselves.

The tweets addressed issues such as modesty and objectification, abuse and rape in the church, racism, and ...

Uniting in song

Church members from all congregations are invited to come together for a special afternoon of singing in celebration of the Uniting Church’s 40th anniversary.

Wesley Uniting Church will host ‘Uniting in Song’ on Sunday 25 June, which will see the choirs from Wesley and Brunswick Uniting Church join together for a liturgical music celebration. They will sing ...

Answering hate with love


The Bible is our road map to know God. The Bible makes clear what God wants for God’s people and the kind of people we are called to be.

As I write this, our media is editorialising on the ramifications of the latest terrorist attack in Manchester, England. Tragically more than 20 people, including children and teenagers, ...