August 2016 Crosslight now available

A cross, the symbol of the Christian church, is choppered to the battle field of Vietnam. On the 50th anniversary of the battle of Long Tan in Vietnam, we look back on the war that divided a nation and – some would say – divided a church.

All of the August Crosslight stories are available here. Crosslight ...

Ministry of War


A Synod member attended one day of the most recent Synod meeting in full military chaplain uniform, with the intention of handing out cards promoting armed forces chaplaincy. This was met with murmurs of disapproval. It was suggested to me that the uniform was unnecessary and attention-seeking.

This simple act supports the contention that for many within this ...

Rules of engagement


The tranquil view from the windows of neat as a pin Cape-Cod houses across to the waters of Aquidneck Island belied the topic of conversation – how Christians, and the church in particular, hold a commitment to peace-making alongside the reality of war.

I was sitting with Tim McCormack, Professor of Law at the University of Melbourne ...

Faith in numbers

The Uniting Church is uniquely placed to effectively convey the Christian message in contemporary Australia but is failing to do so.

That’s one of the conclusions Rev Dr Philip Hughes has reached after 30 years of researching the faith of Australians.

The Uniting Church minister was a founding staff member of the Christian Research Association (CRA) and is preparing ...

Love, light, life

Goodness is stronger than evil;
Love is stronger than hate;
Light is stronger than darkness;
Life is stronger than death;
Victory is ours through Him who loves us.  – Desmond Tutu, An African Prayer book

Over the last few weeks I have found myself returning again to this powerful prayer written by ...

Traveller’s tales

Book | People, Places and Planes: Presidential Field Notes and Reflections | Andrew Dutney


The alliterative title promises a blur of meetings, travel and activity, which is what you largely get in this collection of Andrew Dutney’s on-the-go articles, speeches, sermons and blogs from his term as President of the Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia from ...

Busting stereotypes

Film | Ghostbusters | PG


If you’re not a reader of online social media, you may be happily unaware of a toxic strain of male ‘geek’ known as a Men’s Rights Activist (MRA). MRAs see themselves as the final line of defence between the patriarchy and what they perceive as aggressive feminist persecution in popular ...

Call for radical generosity


There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

You don’t need me to list the many terrifying, life-changing events that have happened over the past few months. Perhaps, like me, you wake up each morning reluctant to turn on the news, for fear of what latest atrocity will ...

Bringing faith to life


The Greensborough Living Faith Church celebrated a decade of outreach and adventure on Sunday 10 July. An innovative co-operation of the Uniting Church and Churches of Christ, the two churches came together 10 years ago under the motto: “We can do more together than we can apart.”

Living faith has lived up to its motto, developing many ...

Healthy belief

Book | The Art of Interfaith Spiritual Care: Integration of Spirituality in Health Care Regardless of Religion or Beliefs | Walter Blair Stratford


The pattern for this book is shaped on recognition that, while religious expressions differ markedly in their presentation, at the core of all religious expressions is a supposition of sacred presence.

Walter Blair Stratford ...

International bridges

In March last year, Denisse Sandoval from the synod’s Justice and International Mission (JIM) unit travelled to India to meet with NGOs tackling human trafficking and workers’ rights issues.

The aim of her visit was to build partnerships with Indian NGOs for future social justice campaigns. A significant number of products from India’s tea, brick and garment industries are ...

Something good

(Chaplain – Aitken College)

One cold morning last term, I arrived at my door keen to get out of the weather, when Elizabeth (a year 4 student) ran up to me and said “Rev, I have written a poem about Jesus!” She was so excited. I asked her to tell me her poem, and ...