Cross paths: three Easter reflections

Crosslight invited three members of the synod’s community across Victoria and Tasmania to share what Easter means to them.


Rod Peppiatt

One of the things I value about this time of year in Launceston is the way the Uniting Church “does” Easter together. In Holy Week and across the ...

Test of faith

Review by TIM LAM


Paul is one of the most significant figures in Christian history, so it is surprising there has yet to be a major Hollywood production about his life.

Paul, Apostle of Christ details the final days of Paul (James Faulkner, Game of Thrones) as ...

Fire area church ‘overwhelmed’ with donations

A Uniting Church minister in southwest Victoria said her local community is helping families get back on their feet following the devastating bushfires that ravaged the region.

Bushfires ripped through parts of regional Victoria during March, destroying 18 homes along with hundreds of livestock.

Watch and act alerts and emergency warnings were issued for 40 towns across the state ...

There’s something about Mary

Review by TIM LAM


Mary Magdalene is arguably one of the most enigmatic characters in the Gospels. She has taken on numerous roles in the popular imagination: a penitent prostitute, the first to witness the resurrected Christ, even the wife of Jesus according to Dan Brown.

The new Mary Magdalene film from Garth ...

Standing up for a jest cause


A stand-up comedian might expect Christian audiences to be more forgiving, but that’s not been Hannah Boland’s experience.

Hannah is a comedian who performs “clean” material for both secular and Christian audiences, but finds the latter group harder to please.

“It’s a lot tougher in the Christian context because people’s definition of ...

Show us a sign


While churches are increasingly using the internet and social media to communicate with the wider community, the traditional message board in front of the building remains a steadfast favourite. Most famously the message board at Gosford Anglican church in NSW has attracted international attention for carrying challenging questions and social comment.

In a similar ...

The things that matter

There is a phrase from one of Paul’s letters that has stuck in my mind recently, not least as I take up a new role within the synod. The role title I have been given is long (Director of Education and Formation for Leadership and Head of Pilgrim Theological College, no easy acronym there!), so it’s kind ...

Peter Blackwood Q&A

Peter Blackwood painted the icon that appears on the April Crosslight front cover. He is the coordinator of the Uniting Church Icon Schools, a retired UCA minister and former synod associate general secretary. We asked Peter a few questions about the cover image and his passion for painting icons.

Tell us about the icon you created for Crosslight’s cover.


Port Fairy church weaves a welcoming tapestry


The Port Fairy Folk Festival is a much-loved community event with many attendees returning year after year to enjoy a range of music, comedy, spoken word, workshops and craft stalls. 

This year the Port Fairy Uniting Church offered a special Sunday worship during the March weekend with local singers and musicians performing Sacred Tapestry – ...

Three blessings


One of the most constant sources of comfort, encouragement and challenge in my prayer life over the last few years has been blessings written by Jan Richardson. As I have journeyed through Lent and begun to reflect on Easter I have turned once again to Jan to guide and shelter me.

One meaning of the ...

Poetic harmony

A homeless woman

The money I gave to her

Made her smile today

Buying lunch in the centre of Melbourne with just $5 to spend might seem to be  merely an exercise in thrift and ingenuity. But a Kingswood College student added another dimension by giving change she had left over to ...