A journey to other sacred spaces
By April Robinson and Larry Marshall Uniting Through Faiths – Synod of UCA ON a warm sun-kissed autumnal day, we head out to the seaside at Frankston.
By April Robinson and Larry Marshall Uniting Through Faiths – Synod of UCA ON a warm sun-kissed autumnal day, we head out to the seaside at Frankston.
I AM currently studying at Australian Catholic University, where I find myself as the only non-school teacher in a room of teachers and the only non-Catholic in a room of Catholics.
Thanks AS a mover of the original synod proposal in 2011, my thanks to Mark Zirnsak and other committee members for the production of the report on Afghanistan, with its careful suggestions about developing a just peace.
One Man, Two Guvnors By Richard Bean, Arts Centre Melbourne Playhouse until 22 June Review by Penny Mulvey Owain Arthur ONE Man, Two Guvnors is pure old fashioned, slapstick comedy exquisitely performed.
Holy Switch Compass ABC1 Review by Larry Marshall WOULD you swap your Christian home for two weeks and step into the shoes of a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Muslim or a Jew? Are you adventurous enough to discover the unknown an
WESLEY Fire and Clay is a social enterprise and disability day program of Wesley Mission Victoria, which provides supported employment opportunities for up to 41 people living with a disability.
ANDY Müller was installed as the new principal of Launceston’s Scotch Oakburn College, a Uniting Church day and boarding school Andrew Barr following his installation at Geelong College for boys and girls in April.
A RESEARCH report released by the Uniting Church’s Justice and International Mission (JIM) unit – Secrecy Jurisdictions, theASX100 and Public Transparency – found 61 of the top 100 Australian companies currently have sub
By Larry Marshall “Pilgrimage touches on many aspects of human existence, signifying not only a physical journey to a special place but also an inner spiritual journey.
Official policies are now in place on how to respond to anyone in congregations with a propensity for sexual offending.
Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is a small grain which is gaining international attention due to its high protein content and potential role in achieving the Millennium Development Goal to eradicate extreme poverty and hung