An Easter reflection


As we come towards Easter, Moderator Denise Liersch’s video invites us to listen to the story of Good Friday through Luke’s eyes.

“Luke invites us to listen much more deeply and to let ourselves be touched by the griefs and disappointments that saturate his story of the resurrection of Jesus, because, for Luke, Good Friday is enmeshed all through this story,” Denise says.

“Luke’s story of resurrection life (is) that Jesus keeps calling to us to leave the tomb and keep travelling the road ahead. Jesus keeps turning up in unexpected ways and places, healing and reconciling us with God, with each other and with ourselves.

“Jesus keeps opening our eyes to recognise him walking life’s paths with us (and) Jesus keeps surprising us with new possibilities of life in God.

“Resurrection faith is about discovering that the body of Christ is no longer in the tomb. Christ is alive in our midst as we pray together, sing and laugh, forgive each other and eat and drink together, share who we are and share what we have with our world.

“Hear the good news: we don’t say ‘Christ was risen’, ‘Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed’.”

Denise’s Easter video is also available on youtube

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