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naidoc week
Come dive with me into
an intimacy of ancient remembering
immersed within our consideration
of ultimate questions vastly undefined

Here is a growing fascination
with that which is emerging
from out many Spirit Journeys.

Come dive into the “intimacy of all that is”!
That which embraces
The smallest of the quantum-micro
and the immensity of the endless-universal.

Ancient awareness
recrafted with mystery and wonder
rapidly emerging
from everyday discoveries
bursting in upon our imaginations.
Marvels complex and amazing.
Great leaps of consciousness
prompting growing awareness
of who i really am
of who i may yet become
of who we are in community.
Forming and entwining us together
into universal amazements
of the infinite and eternal!

John Cranmer


Image: Kara Brugman/FlickrĀ 

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