On 19 July 2013, then-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd banned all asylum seekers who arrived by boat from ever settling in Australia. Candlelight vigils were held nationally in July to mark four years of cruelty and death in Australia’s offshore detention centres. Click here for the full story.
All of the August Crosslight stories are available here. You can also read the digital version here.
Highlights from this month include:
International students find a new home at Monash Uniting Church.
Talking religion with John Safran.
Christians divided over dying with dignity Bill.
Readers respond to last month’s story on immigration detention.
Why a multicultural church needs to be a multilingual church.
Congregations share photos of the UCA’s 40th anniversary celebrations.
We also share daily online stories on Crosslight online. If you would like to receive the stories in your Facebook inbox every day, visit the Uniting Church Victoria and Tasmania Facebook page and click ‘send message’.
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