Uniting AgeWell takes a stand at Midsumma Festival

Aged care provider Uniting AgeWell will make its presence felt at one of Australia’s biggest festivals of gay and alternative sexualities.

The agency will be represented by a stand at the Midsumma Festival’s opening event, the Midsumma Carnival, this Sunday on the lawns of Alexandra Gardens in Melbourne.

Chair of the Uniting AgeWell Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex (LGBTI) Working Group, Vicky Jacques, said the Midsumma Festival was a fantastic opportunity for the organisation to present itself as a diverse and LGBTI-friendly organisation.

“This year we are committed to connecting with the broader LGBTI community through the Midsumma Festival,” she said.

“It will deliver incredible benefits for both employees and the community by building awareness and fostering inclusion.

“We look forward to giving festivalgoers an insight into Uniting AgeWell services.”

Ms Jacques said the organisation continued to work towards gaining Rainbow Tick accreditation for providing safe and inclusive services for people in the LGBTI community.

She pointed out the agency is already establishing a good reputation in this area.

“In 2016, Uniting AgeWell received a prestigious Dorothies Awards in Tasmania, recognising our work in providing LGBTI-inclusive aged care services,” she said.

“It’s wonderful and worthy recognition of the work Uniting AgeWell is doing to incorporate LGBTI inclusive practices into our residential and community services.”

Uniting AgeWell will be among more than 120 stalls at the Midsumma Carnival event, which runs throughout the day and night providing attendees with picnic areas and free entertainment.


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