Building bridges across the faiths

interfaith-septemberThis month, Christians are being encouraged to build understanding and trust with people of different faiths.

To help this process the Uniting Church has prepared worship and activity resources under the banner of Interfaith September 2016.

In his introduction to the Interfaith September materials, Assembly Relations with other Faiths Working Group Convenor Rev Michael Barnes writes that reaching out to people of other faiths is an expression of Christianity.

“Our faith in Christ calls us to live together in peace and love and to engage in genuine dialogue with people of other faiths,” Rev Barnes writes.

“In Australia today, there is much work to do healing divisions caused by ignorance, fear and poor understanding. But by reaching out to people of other faiths, we can make a difference.”

The resources include a lectionary guide that offers a week-by-week reflection on the gospels with four interfaith themes.

Complementing this is a worship resource with sermon starters, links to other resources, an Order of Service plus other ideas.

A section on interfaith action offers suggestions and tips on how to invite speakers, create groups or events that help deepen the understanding and kinship between Christians and people of different faiths.

There are also six videos that share stories of interfaith friendship that can be linked to worship activities or other events.


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