UnitingCare Australia has congratulated the Turnbull government on its election victory and called on the Prime Minister to lead renewed efforts to address key issues affecting the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged Australians.
“We believe the close election result has demonstrated that a focus on jobs, growth and business, while vital, is too one-dimensional for our community,” UnitingCare Australia national committee chair Peter Bicknell said.
“This term is an opportunity for the government to increase investment in people and the services needed to grow productivity and build a decent future for all.
“We particularly encourage the government to commit to new directions in aged care funding, housing affordability and homelessness, unemployment and early childhood education.”
Martin J Cowling, UnitingCare Australia acting national director, said the government’s proposed $1.2 billion cuts to aged care funding announced in the May budget are of grave concern to the organisation.
“We call on the Prime Minister and Treasurer to halt the cuts and to work collaboratively with the aged care sector to identify sustainable options for meeting the health care needs of older people in care,” he said.
Mr Bicknell said enabling every person, regardless of age, ability or employment status, to make a full contribution to society is the key to national prosperity.
“Jobs, growth, tax reform and investment in essential services are all needed to ensure that everyone can participate in and contribute to their community,” he said.
“UnitingCare Australia is committed to working constructively with the government, opposition, independents and minor parties over this next term of parliament.”
Image sourced from Twitter via Fergus Hunter.
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