A New Conversation About Ageing

john clarkeUniting AgeWell has relaunched its popular study resource aimed at stimulating the conversation around ageing in the Uniting Church.

In 2007 there were 2.4 million Australians aged 65 years and over. That number is expected to rise to four million by 2022.

A New Conversation About Ageing reflects on the challenges of an ageing population. It discusses the experience of ageing within a theological framework and contains prayers, Bible reflections, and discussion questions.

Uniting AgeWell Director of Mission Rev John Clarke said the study resource was developed under Uniting Aged Care and has been relaunched to reflect the new name of the organisation.

“AgeWell is the name of Uniting AgeWell’s evolving approach to the growing needs of older Australians, and operates on a wellness model rather than the conventional focus on sickness and decline,” Mr Clarke said.

A New Conversation About Ageing was developed in partnership with the Centre for Theology and Ministry, with input from local and international sources. The book is divided into four themes – living, loving, legacy and leaving.

“It contains the same studies and messages that have so far proven to be popular among congregations in Victoria and Tasmania,” Mr Clarke said.

“Congregations tell us the four studies engage with the real challenges of ageing and helped them to explore meaning as they discussed these together.”

Uniting AgeWell welcomes ideas and feedback on this project, and hopes to develop further study resources that can continue the conversation on ageing.

A New Conversation About Ageing can be downloaded from the Uniting AgeWell website.

For more information, contact Mr Clarke at: directorofmission@unitingagewell.org

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