Residents race in the name of cancer research

nell rapleyTasmania’s unpredictable weather did not keep Uniting AgeWell’s Lillian Martin residents from donning their sneakers and participating in their Relay For Life marathon on Monday.

Inspired by staff who entered a team in the Cancer Council fundraising event, residents decided they would also do their part for cancer research, forming a team of their own and doing laps around the site of Lillian Martin before settling in for morning tea in the recreation room.

At 103 years old, Nell Rapely is the oldest resident to take part. After completing a lap in her wheelchair, Nell said she was extremely happy with her efforts and, like the other residents, was ‘over the moon’ with the event.

Manager of integrated services at Lillian Martin, Vicki Mills, said the residents had a fabulous time.

“Because of the rain the event was moved indoors and we were able to get a few extra residents to take part,” Ms Mills said.

“Southern Cross News Tasmania and WIN News attended the event with Cancer Council Tasmania CEO Penny Egan, all clearly impressed by the residents’ efforts.

“The residents all wore their jerseys donated by Cancer Council Tasmania and raised a total of $700 for cancer research, beating last year’s record of $326.

“Derrick Shaft, our extended care assistant, even shaved his head to raise more money.”

Impressed with Derrick’s efforts, 95-year-old resident, Doris Thackery offered to shave her head next year, if the team raised more than $2000.

The official relay will take part in Tolosa Park, Glenorchy in Hobart this weekend, where 12 Lillian Martin staff members will continue the race for cancer research.

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