All of the February stories are available here. Crosslight is also available in digital format.
Frontier Services has been a much loved agency of the Church since Rev John Flynn first proposed the idea of an outback ‘mantle of safety’ in 1912. For more than a century, ‘Patrol padres’ have provided pastoral care to the most far-flung corners of Australia. From horse and buggy to light aircraft, the service has evolved and adapted. Our feature this month speaks to those who work in outback ministry and looks at how the service is adapting again to meet changing needs.
- A group of grandmothers from the Uniting Church speaks out against children in detention.
- It’s time to warm up the frypans, crack a few eggs and start flipping pancakes for UnitingCare.
- Staff at Uniting AgeWell reunite a much-loved dog with her owner in time for Christmas.
- At the start of a new school year, we bring you stories of innovation from some of our schools.
- UCA president Stuart Macmillan asks us to rethink the meaning of 26 January.
- Synod Snaps brings you images from throughout the Church and beyond.
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