December Synod Snaps

Synod snaps highlights photos from different Uniting Church events happening throughout the synod.

  1. High Street Road Uniting Church (Mt Waverley) members Val and Bruce Mitchell attended the launch of a new Frontier Services project at the Melbourne synod centre.

Val and Bruce Mitchell

  1. Crossroads, a Christian Fellowship for adults with disabilities in Tasmania, travelled to Devonport for their annual weekend getaway. They have recently started a new group in Hobart North.

Crossroaders at the beach

  1. Fish and Chips night at Yarraville Uniting Church. Members from the local community are invited by the church to enjoy a meal as they are entertained by the church band.

fish and chips night at yarraville uniting church

  1. Rosemary Rigby from Launceston South Uniting Church, a Crafty Corner member with her prize-winning card

rosemary rigby with her card


  1. Four young women, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Christian and a Jew shared their faith at High Street Uniting Church in Frankston (left to right: Erica Rothschild, Swarup Dasi, Anam Javed, and Kelly Skilton). Photo by Rev Jay Robinson.

four young women from different faiths


  1. Archie Roach performing on the new Boomerang Stage at NaranaFest 2015.

Archie Roach at Naranafest

  1. NaranaFest returned to Geelong on November 14 for an all-day music festival.


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