Reflection on faith

the place of the eagle's feathersBook | kurina kuwara milaythina:  The Place of the Eagle’s Feather | Tim Matton-Johnson

Reviewed by Bob Faser

This is a book that we’ve needed for some time in Tasmania.

Tim Matton-Johnson is a Uniting Church minister of Tasmanian Aboriginal descent. Throughout the years, he has served both as a minister to congregations and as an ecumenical staffer, as well as working in secular employment. He is presently minister of the Uniting Church’s Bridgewater-Gagebrook Parish Mission in southern Tasmania.

In the course of his ministry, Tim has sought to relate his Christian faith and his Aboriginal heritage to each other, as well as to relate both to his active concern for the environment and to a post-Enlightenment, scientific worldview. This book is the result of this on-going reflection.

The fact that the Aboriginal stories of the ‘Creation Beings’ to which Tim refers are specifically Tasmanian stories gives particular value to this book for those who are involved in ministry in a Tasmanian context.

I’d strongly recommend this book to anyone (Indigenous or otherwise) who seeks to build bridges between the Christian faith and Aboriginal people, particularly in Tasmania. I’d also recommend this book to anyone who seeks to relate the Christian faith to the Tasmanian cultural context.

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