Uniting Journeys to Sri Lanka

Larry marshall and cynthia mackenzieThe Commission for Mission will be hosting a Uniting Journeys tour to Sri Lanka in October this year.

Uniting Journeys offer competitively priced adventures in small groups using ethically sound accommodation, transport services, meals and entertainment.

The group will visit Colombo, the hill country of Kandy, the ancient city of Anuradhapura and the northern town of Mannar. Participants will meet with local and Australian leaders from Bridging Lanka, a NGO working to build a harmonious Sri Lanka. They will also assist with various community projects including donkey rehabilitation, tourism infrastructure and teaching English.

The trip will be led by Larry Marshall from the Uniting Through Faiths unit and Dr Cynthia Mackenzie.

Mr Marshall is a Sri Lankan Burgher and his work with the synod has a strong focus on Sri Lankan reconciliation.

Dr Mackenzie is a post-doctoral fellow at Victoria University researching youth approaches to peacebuilding, particularly in Sri Lanka and diaspora communities within Australia.

Moderator Dan Wootton travelled to Sri Lanka last October with Larry and Cynthia.

“Sri Lanka is an extraordinary, beautiful and populous country and you couldn’t ask for better hosts than Larry and Cynthia if you are contemplating a Uniting Journeys trip to Sri Lanka,” Mr Wootton said.

“Speaking as someone who has had very little experience of travelling overseas, you couldn’t ask for better travelling companions. They ensured we were not ‘diddled’ by tuk tuk drivers (3 wheeled taxis) and even helped with food selection, including exquisite curries for breakfast. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed breakfast as much as I did over there.

“For me travelling to Sri Lanka was a kind of letting go of the particularities of this time and place in which I live. The Sri Lankan people are remarkably friendly, food and faith-oriented and I can only hope that you might enjoy the experience as much as I did.”

The trip will take place over two weeks from 14-29 October. Individual costs will be approximately $2800-$3000 per person. This includes airfare, accommodation, food and all travel in Sri Lanka.

You can find the full itinerary, along with a video message from Larry and Cynthia, here.

For more information, contact Larry Marshall at larry.marshall@victas.uca.org.au or 9251 5276 or Uniting Journeys at info@unitingjourneys.com.au or 9251 5911.



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