Tassie community camp

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Tasmanian camp community

Tasmanian camp community

At first glance there seems to be little linking the church and purple semi-trailers but Rev Dr Jennifer Byrnes certainly managed to find and explore it at CommuniTAS 2014, the Presbytery of Tasmania’s annual weekend get-together.

About 60 people – including a significant smattering of children – gathered at Camp Banksia, near Port Sorell, for the camp held from August 15-17. Some even attended just for the Saturday.

Campers were greeted on the Friday evening by members of the Devonport Uniting Church and received home-baked biscuits before being guided to their accommodation. It was a welcome beginning for a camp which, at its core, sought to help people learn to live together gracefully.

Dr Byrnes, the executive director of the Centre for Theology and Ministry, was the guest presenter for the weekend and used the purple semi-trailer analogy during her community building session on the Friday evening.

On Saturday attendees explored the potential impact of their behaviours on others within a church context with Dr Byrnes.
There was also time for the making of simple movies and craft work.

Younger attendees had their own sessions including one on peer leadership with Andy Beeston, from Fusion Australia.

On the Saturday evening CommuniTas Spicks and Specs was a highlight.

The weekend concluded with a worship service on the Sunday morning which featured dance and singing.

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