Movement & Rest

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5_synodThe forthcoming Synod meeting will be held at La Trobe University in Bundoora from 19-24 September.

The theme for the meeting is Movement & Rest: signs of God in us.

Over the six days of the gathering members will receive and discuss more than 50 reports as well as a range of proposals from Presbyteries, congregations, facilitation groups and church commissions.

Items listed for discussion include the church’s ongoing involvement with ACCESS ministries, the Major Strategic Review and a final report on the Uniting our future project.

The Synod’s Christian Education Task Group will report findings and present recommendations following its review, undertaken at the request of the May 2013 synod.

The Uniting Church has previously raised concerns regarding Christian religious education curriculum material and the training and support provided to volunteer instructors.

Other proposals to be discussed include alcohol reform, protections for people with disabilities, an amendment to property transaction arrangements and support for rural ministries.

UCA Funds Management, in consultation with the Justice and International Mission unit, will present a revised ethical investment policy.

Among the positions to be determined will be the appointment of a Moderator elect, who will be chosen by a ballot of Synod members. Three nominees were chosen by the nominating committee – Rev Ian Brown, Rev Dr Sunny Chen and Rev Sharon Hollis.

Mr Brown has held a variety of leadership roles within the church and is currently the chair of the Board of Mission and Resourcing.

Dr Chen has been very involved with the cross-cultural community of the Church and has a particular passion for youth work.

Ms Hollis is the continuing education coordinator at the Centre for Theology and Ministry and is co-coordinator of the Response Group for Uniting our future.

The Moderator-elect will be installed as Moderator at the following Synod in May 2016.

There will also be elections for membership of the Synod Standing Committee and 2015 National Assembly, to be held in Perth, Western Australia, from 12-18 July.

Everyone is welcome to attend the opening worship at 7.30 pm on Friday 19 September in the Union Hall.

Members received their papers at the end of last month with many opting to have them delivered electronically rather than in paper form.

Pre-Synod Information Sessions relating to the Major Strategic Review and Uniting our future were held last month for both Presbyteries and representatives of institutions and agencies.

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