Approximately 600 people attended the opening of the ‘new look’ Uniting AgeWell facility in Bendigo last month. The 40 year old building has undergone major renovations which include an open-plan dining area, a hair dressing salon and coffee shop.
The open day generated a lot of excitement in Bendigo, with local radio station 3BO FM conducting an outside broadcast from Strath-Haven on the day.
Among those interviewed on the day were two residents, Mavis Andrea and Win Ramsey, who shared their experience of living in the revamped facility. Ms Andrea told host Felicity Eva that the finished renovations had made enduring the upheaval worth it.
“I love the whole lot of it, the colour scheme, the new dining area, everyone is just delighted,” she said.
Ms Ramsay said it was lovely to share the open day with family and friends.
“I was a member of Forest Street UC which originally helped build this place and get it off the ground, so one of the lovely parts of the day has been catching up with old friends.” she said.
Ms Ramsey was one of several residents who were included in the planning stages of the redevelopment, so she is well aware of the time and effort required to complete the project.
“Inviting us was a great sign of respect for the residents, it was great to be included and see it all unfolding,” she said.
“It’s been a long haul, particularly for staff, but it has all come to fruition and it’s lovely.”
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