Church future questioned

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The Major Strategic Review (MSR) needs your input.

Resolved at Synod 2013 to develop a strategic vision for the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania, one of the first stages of the MSR program is to find out how members view the church and what they want for its future.

This process is being initially conducted through a questionnaire inserted in this month’s Crosslight. Multicultural ministers will circulate hardcopies to their congregations.

From mid-April there will also be an online version accessible as a link on

The MSR management team is requesting that you fill out the questionnaire and return it to the address listed. A postage-paid envelope is provided and all responses need to be received by 15 May, 2014. All questionnaire responses will be incorporated into key discussion findings.

The MSR Review team is currently in the process of conducting a series of stakeholder workshops with congregations, presbyteries, committees, commissions, agencies and institutions (and their boards), as well as synod operations.

The questionnaire feedback will be added to the findings of these consultations, for further assessment.

It is a chance for Church members to say what they really think, about what they really want. The MSR management team is assuring the Church community that every voice and viewpoint will be heard and taken into account.

The MSR program will be conducted throughout the next 13 months, with initial recommendations to be tabled for evaluation at the September 2014 Synod meeting. Decisions made at this Synod will inform the next stage of the Review.

Updates on the MSR’s development will continue to be posted through the above link. Visit this to view the MSR’s Terms of Reference.

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