Rupanyup church building celebrates 100 years

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A little more than a century ago, the foundation stone was laid for the new, brick Rupanyup Methodist Church.
The wooden church was moved back on the church block to become the Sunday school.

In April 1913, the Rupanyup Spectator reported that Mrs Ann Chapple was chosen by the minister to lay the foundation stone as her family were all active in the ministry of the church. It was the minister’s belief that “prestige should not determine who has the honour, but rather it should be a faithful servant of the church”.

A time-capsule was placed in the wall under the foundation stone.

Mrs Chapple’s great-grandchildren witnessed the opening of the time-capsule 100 years later. Inside was a copy of the Argus, the local Rupanyup Spectator dated April 13, 1913, a letter, a photo of the minister of the day, Rev Allsop, a 1901 penny and postage stamp.

During the anniversary worship, a packed congregation ‘lifted the roof’ once again. Rev Ian Johnstone delivered the message, ‘the journey of faith, living out the script in the new century’.

Former ‘Rup’ boy, John West, recalled his experience of growing up as a “town boy in what would now be considered a deprived family” and spoke about the impact of the church, the ministers and the young leaders in ensuring that he “had a place” and was encouraged in his faith journey.

It was decided that items that came out of the time-capsule in good condition would be returned along with some modern-day memorabilia. Moderator Mr Dan Wootton (pictured) replaced the capsule under the foundation stone, where it may be unearthed in 2113.

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