Pizza, theology, and conversation

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“Theological students always need more pizza and conversation. Well, I know I did,” Rohan Pryor, lay leadership educator at the Centre for Theology and Ministry (CTM) said.

Students of theology who enrol as private students often miss out on the conversations and support that students sponsored by a denomination appreciate in their formation program. CTM formation coordinator, Rev Dr Christine Sorensen, has identified Uniting Church theological students as one of the groups who can too easily slip through the cracks in support networks.

“Studying theology is – or should be – self-implicating,” Dr Sorensen said. “It is never just about ‘out there’ but at the same time what is going on in our hearts and minds.

“Uniting Church people studying theology are welcome to come to do some of that exploration in conversation (and pizza eating) of how study, the church, the world, and their own ongoing formation intersect.”

“I used to be able to eat 12 slices of pizza when I was younger, but gorging on theology will always lead to indigestion unless you take some time to digest it by making connections through conversation,” Mr Pryor said.

Theology students connected to the Uniting Church are invited to a no-cost evening of pizza and conversation on 25 March at the CTM. For more information go to: RSVP to by 21 March.

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