Community support awarded

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Jill-Pattenden-with-Hon-David-Davis-MLC,-Minister-for-Ageing-at-Government-HouseSwan Hill Uniting Church member Jill Pattenden (pictured left) was recently honoured with a ‘Promotion of Multiculturalism’ award at the 2013 Victorian Senior of the Year Awards at Government House.

The Minister for Ageing, David Davis, presented Ms Pattenden with the award in the lead up to the Victorian Seniors Festival.

“Jill was nominated by the Swan Hill Community Issues Group in recognition of her full time volunteer role in the Swan Hill community,” Mr Davis said.

Ms Pattenden was praised for her years of active support for adult literacy, community and aboriginal welfare and refugee support programs.

“Jill has given thousands of hours to support refugees and asylum seekers settling in the region by teaching English, helping them to become independent, and as an advocate to the broader community for multicultural diversity.

“Two of her many initiatives are Face-to-Face, a cultural awareness program aimed at the general community and the Welcome to Refugees program, which offers social opportunities for newcomers to the area.”

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