More than one hundred people attended the installation of Rev Alistair Macrae (pictured)at Melbourne’s Wesley Church in Lonsdale Street last month. Congregation members, Brunswick UC members, presbytery and synod colleagues, family and friends heard Rev Rod Horsfield preach. Mr Horsfield emphasised the task of regular congregational ministry by standing at the font and the communal table for those parts of the sermon.
Father Jo Dirks (St Francis Roman Catholic Church)and the Rev Simon Holt (Collins Street Baptist) represented ecumenical colleagues from the Melbourne City Churches in Action (MCCIA).
There was the traditional supper after the service where Rev Dr Sandy Yule said there was a real sense of inaugurating a fresh chapter in the story of ministry at Wesley Church.
“The call to Alistair into this ministry from the Wesley congregation was unanimously in favour, for the first time in living memory,” Dr Yule said.
“He has been very thoroughly welcomed by the members of the congregation, including a meal for Alistair and Clare with congregation members on the Sunday afternoon. The congregation is still at an early stage of a major development of the site and Alistair’s leadership in this process is strongly anticipated.”
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